When installing solar panels in your residential or business premises, the goal is to have power independence and avoid outages during extreme weather when the panels do not harness electricity. There needs to be more than just solar panels, as they capture energy during the day and at night, or when there is no sunshine, they do not produce any energy. So, when you rely on solar alone, you will only have power production during the day, and at night or in extreme weather, you must turn to the electric grid, exposing you to problems you were escaping initially, like outages and high energy bills.

When you wish to capitalize on your solar energy system and become power independent, install solar batteries to store the excess solar energy generated during blackouts and emergencies and optimize your power usage. Solar panel batteries have revolutionized power usage, and here is everything you should know about them.

Solar Batteries at a Glance

The rate at which people have been installing solar panels is unprecedented, as more people shelve fossil fuels for green energy. Solar panels have become affordable due to their popularity and the need to shift to renewable energy to combat climate change. However, installing the panels alone is insufficient, and many home or property owners are taking matters to the next level. Without storage for the excess energy generated by your panels, your energy system will be inefficient, as you can only use it when the sun is shining, and when it goes down, you switch to the electric grid. Besides, all the excess energy will go to waste, and you will not utilize it when you need it most.

When you have installed solar panels in your residential or business premises, you wish to be energy-independent by having the capacity to produce power even when there is no sunshine. Solar panel batteries store excess energy generated when there is sunshine for use when you require it the most. Home batteries are the most accessible and affordable way to make your home a self-sustainable power hub, ensuring that you have energy when you need it most, like during peak hours when electricity rates are high, blackouts, or extreme weather. With the right solar battery storage system, you can stop using the grid for electricity.

How Solar Batteries Work

The sun is the primary energy source in the world. However, despite producing significant solar energy, only a tiny fraction reaches the earth as the clouds and atmosphere absorb most of it. Therefore, you install solar panels to trap and concentrate the sunrays to maximize solar energy production. The best places to install panels are open spaces or on the roof for maximum exposure to the sun.

After installing the panels, you wire them to your structure through an inverter. The inverter converts the direct current (DC) trapped on your panels to alternating current (AC) that powers the appliances in your building. Most electronic appliances use AC, hence the need for an inverter.

However, using panels this way means all surplus energy production goes to waste, and when there are no sun rays, you will have no access to solar or renewable energy. Solar batteries resolve this problem by changing the solar energy transmission.

When solar energy hits the panels, it is converted into DC, which enters your batteries and is stored as DC electricity. When the current enters the battery, an electrochemical reaction occurs, causing ions to move from the positive to the negative side, allowing for solar energy storage in chemical form.

Modern solar batteries have automatic inverters. Therefore, when utilizing the stored energy, the inverter reverses energy flow so that the stored DC electricity is converted into AC that powers your appliances. Solar batteries allow you and other property owners to optimize their renewable energy consumption, increasing dependence on solar power systems and relying less on the traditional electricity grid. The capacity of the batteries to store solar energy in chemical form for use when the sun is sown has made solar energy an efficient and reliable renewable power source.

Solar panels are not only connected to the solar energy system. You can even store power from the primary electric grid in these batteries by charging them during off-peak hours when electricity rates are low. During peak hours, you can switch from the grid to the solar batteries to lower energy costs.

Understanding Solar Battery Forms

Installing solar panel batteries with insufficient information about them is a huge mistake. The technology and materials used in these batteries differ, and you should consider that based on the batteries' planned use. The prices of various battery types also vary, meaning you should consider your budget when selecting batteries. The solar batteries you will find on the market today are:

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion technology was introduced in the 1970s but gained popularity in the 1990s. The technology gained more popularity over lead-acid batteries, which had been on the market longer, because lithium is lighter, more efficient, and has a higher energy density, giving it excellent electrochemical potential.

Lithium-ion batteries offer more benefits than lead-acid ones, which have been on the market for decades. These benefits include:

  • They are cleaner.

  • Highly durable.

  • Recycle better.

  • Require little to no maintenance.

Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead batteries were introduced in the 17th century and are still used because of their high storage capacity, affordability, and durability. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, the primary problem with these batteries is that they are heavier, more challenging to transport, and less convenient for residential properties due to their usage difficulties.

Flow Batteries

The latest solar battery entry on the market is the flow battery, which stores energy in chemical form using vanadium, water-based zinc solutions, and bromine. The liquid electrolytes make increasing or lowering proportionality effortless, contingent on the battery's physical dimension. The advantages of these batteries include:

  • They lack overheating issues.

  • They have a deep discharge capability, meaning there are no effects on the battery life cycle or performance.

  • They are less susceptible to fire.

Despite these benefits, batteries are expensive because of their high production cost. They also have a bulky physical dimension and low energy density.

Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

Ni-Cd batteries are used for industrial and large applications like airlines because they effectively perform in high temperatures, are robust, and do not emit toxic elements. The batteries' advantage is that they are highly durable and require little maintenance. The downside is that they are costly to install and unsuitable for residential properties. If not disposed of well, the cadmium material in the batteries is highly poisonous and can harm the environment.

With many people installing solar panels in their homes, the solar battery market has experienced significant growth to make solar-power-generating homes and properties power-independent or self-sufficient.

Considering solar batteries, you must choose between lead-acid, lithium-ion, flow, and Ni-Cd. Each of these batteries has its merits and demerits. Before choosing a solar battery, you should talk to a solar energy storage expert or installation company to understand your options and choose an efficient power storage solution.

Considerations When Choosing a Solar Battery

Manufacturers of solar batteries have studied their consumers and generalized customer expectations. The manufacturer manufactures every battery differently, with some assembling the parts manually and others using robots. The quality control by manufacturers also differs, meaning that the quality of your batteries will also depend on the maker. As a result, you will find solar batteries with the same features but varying performance and durability. Your choice of solar batteries could differentiate between a poor and excellent solar energy experience. The factors you should consider when choosing a battery system are:

  1. Battery Cost

The cost of solar batteries differs depending on size and battery type. For instance, the initial cost of installing lead-acid batteries is low, but in the long run, lithium-ion batteries save you more money, thus being affordable.

Lead batteries cost $200 to $800, depending on power and physical dimensions. You will need several of these batteries to keep your home self-sufficient, so the cost of the batteries will depend on the number of batteries. On the other hand, a lithium-ion solar panel battery system costs approximately $7,000 to $14,000. Therefore, your choice of batteries will significantly depend on your budget.

  1. Battery Material

Various solar batteries are made using different materials, each with benefits and disadvantages. Therefore, it is up to you to evaluate the benefits of each material and drawbacks to pick the most suitable battery for your residential or commercial property needs.

  1. The Batteries’ Lifespan

When choosing solar batteries for your property, the lifespan is one of the significant factors you must consider. Every battery manufacturer wants to outperform the other by producing more durable batteries. The battery technology and production process typically determine how long your battery will last.

One factor that determines battery longevity is temperature. As temperatures rise, chemical reactions increase, shortening a battery’s lifespan. Therefore, whatever solar battery you purchase, you should store it in a room with a controlled temperature to extend durability.

Another factor is the depth of charge. It refers to the energy levels your battery can discharge or be used in the house before requiring recharge. The battery type you pick will typically indicate the charge or dischargeable cycles. A battery with a low tolerance for deep discharge, like the lead, will have a short lifespan when discharged regularly.

Other factors to take into account are:

  • Battery capacity.

  • Battery type.

  • Peak energy output.

  • The air temperature surrounding the solar battery.

  • Brand and warranty.

Benefits of Utilizing Solar Batteries

Installing solar batteries in your property offers several benefits. These benefits include:

Guarantees Power Independence

Batteries store surplus solar energy during the day, meaning you will have power to use when the sun goes down. If you can enjoy solar energy during extreme temperatures or blackouts, batteries can help you become energy-independent and stop relying on the conventional power grip.

You Make the Most of Your Renewable Energy

When you install solar panels alone, you will still rely on the conventional electricity grip when the sun goes down or in extreme weather. Relying on the traditional grid, especially during peak hours, means you will continue paying the hefty electricity bills despite investing in solar energy.

Nevertheless, when you have solar batteries on your property, the surplus energy is chemically stored and used when you need it the most, at night, or when there is no sunshine. Also, because you will not be paying for the stored energy like with the electricity grid, you will be free to use your energy as you please without incurring hefty bills, particularly in the evening.

You Can Monitor Your Power Consumption

The modern solar panel battery system enables real-time energy monitoring. You can check the energy levels your panels produce and the quantity of batteries stored as surplus. You can track your energy consumption, increasing the chances of being a self-sufficient renewable energy hub.

Lowers Your Property’s Carbon Footprint

Reliance on fossil fuels has been causing significant hazardous harm to the environment and climate. Solar power systems are fixing these problems by generating clean and renewable energy. You can stop using fossil fuel by storing your solar energy in batteries as backup for emergencies during blackouts or bad weather. By saving your energy in batteries, you lower your property’s carbon footprint, thus safeguarding the environment.

You Enjoy Government Incentives

National and state governments encourage individuals to shift to solar energy through incentives. Today, the federal government will compensate you for the additional expenses involved in installing solar batteries.

You Save on the Electricity Bill

Solar panels are only expensive because of the initial cost. When you install the system and batteries to save extra energy, you will rely less on the conventional grid, which has a high cost of electricity. If you turn to solar energy entirely or most of the time, you will save money that could have otherwise been used to pay hefty electricity bills.

Find a Dependable Solar Energy Installer Near Me

Many people are shifting to solar energy, but the main challenge is that many consumers do not effectively use it as they have to turn to the conventional grip in the evening or when there is no sunshine. Solar batteries solve inefficiency by providing solar power independence and sustainability. Batteries have made solar energy more reliable, as you can save excess energy for future use. If you are considering a solar battery system in the Bay Area and Northern California, contact Sun Solar Electric at 707-658-2157 to learn about these batteries and begin making your property a self-sufficient solar power energy hub.